Saturday, September 11, 2010

Three Months In

published on old blog May 13, 2010
 (I wrote this Tuesday night)
 This blog is my behind-the-scenes sort of thing to my writing life. This is more personal, purposely self-indulgent. I'm writing for me, but this record is open for anyone to read if they're interested in the writing life. I started publishing articles online a few months ago, as well as sending query letters and unsolicited manuscripts to magazines--but all this time, I've had this "stuff" in my head to express about the process. What I've learned... What surprises me... Not to mention, I've also been working on a novel...that's been true for over ten years (different novels, however). I'm not actively writing my current novel much, as I've been dipping my toe in the freelance world, but it's in my thoughts often, and I need to write out some of the problems that have it stalled.

What is surprising me most right now about writing is how (believe it or not) I'm seeing success faster than I expected. Oh, I won't be rich anytime soon, but I read up a lot on freelancing and have taken to heart the amount of challenge and self-promotion it takes to make it and expected a lot more work up front before seeing any of its fruit. Furthermore, I'm working on the "when-the-children-are-sleeping" schedule, which is by definition unpredictable and  short, making my efforts very part-time. When advice said it'd take three to six months to get anywhere, I doubled it.

I'm tremulous to confess my early success, for fear I'll jinx it. I imagine a future post where I lament my current experience was merely beginner's luck.... I started writing articles in February. I sent my first manuscript out on March 10. I have sent a handful of query letters to editors, pitching ideas, and have received two gentle 'not interested' responses; the others have elicited no response yet (to be expected). I've also sent four complete manuscripts out to date and the first response was "no," but a gentle and even encouraging one. I turned that piece around, sent it right back out to another magazine I thought might have an audience for it, and in three days, I opened an email that made my jaw hit the keyborad. The magazine's editor praised my writing and my probable teaching ability (I mentioned having been a writing teacher in my bionote.)   Take this in the context that I've been scared to try freelancing for over a decade, hearing about how brutal it is and how I'll receive enough rejection letters to wallpaper a room. (Oh, and I still expect that--I just didn't think i'd get affirmation so early in the game.)

That was a few weeks ago. I floated on my disbelief of that for a while. And I got lazy. (Well, kids got sick too. My writing "career" occurs in leisure time only.) I finished another article last week, one on a parenting issue, but didn't get around to sending it out. I did so Monday (yesterday), and was amazed to receive a response from the magazine's editor that day! I have to wait a few weeks for the "team" to determine if my article will be for their October print issue or if they want to publish it in sections on their facebook page.

I'm not so naive as to think I'm charmed or to believe this lick of affirmation will be my norm as I continue. But I do take it as a boost to my confidence that I was made to do this. I started out this experiment with a sense of mission. I have things to say, life experience to gather lessons from, and a perspective of the wider world. I feel a sense of destiny for my writing endeavors--a very real nudge from God that this is what I'm supposed to do. This is my gifting, my song for the world, His world. I am needed in the niches I write for and represent.

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