Friday, November 5, 2010

Problems of Using Facebook For Marketing

I don't have any plans for any articles for content websites--at least for now. Partially because of what I wrote about last month, wondering if it was worth it. I plan to put more energy into other markets, which I delineated in my last post about my level of success in traditional markets. Also, I'm getting a chance to work on my novel with a critique group online. And the time to do so has to come from giving something else up!

I'm hoping a break will allow me some time to regroup and then determine my continued path on my goal to being a solvent freelance writer. I feel sort of free, too, of posting via facebook.

When I started the online venture known as content writing, Facebook sent the most traffic to my articles--by far. For months, this continued, and last April or May, my big article on disposable diaper ingredients grew wings--no, some angel friends on facebook pasted wings on that article by reposting it to their walls and/or other forums, leading it to eventually be posted on popular parenting sites such as babycenter and even some sites in the UK, its readership growing past 6,000. (Big for me!)

But it changed. Facebook views dropped, and then, no matter what I wrote about, or how often, or what time of day I posted the links to my wall, views kept dropping and dropping. There are so many factors and unknowns that it's a difficult task to understand why and change that. But I've realized how dependent any success I was having was on my posting to facebook. Sure, I got some views from random strangers doing searches, but that volume of readers was very low if I had to depend on that alone.

First, I chalked up the drop in readership to vacationing. I figured reading would pick up when the school year started and life resumed routine. I saw a bit of recovery, but barely. In the end, the average number of views garnered by my articles diminished even as I was still writing more new articles. I did learn some valuable Search Engine Optimization strategies, picking more successful keywords, and I've seen that the views I do get average to a higher amount of money than before. However, over-all, I've experienced less success since August than I did before--both in terms of money earned and pure numbers of views.

In another post, I explore why facebook may have failed me as a marketing tool.

Articles I've written:

Stay-at-home-parenting: Who Can Afford It?

Postpartum Depression: Options for Medical and Other Treatment

Is Lyme Disease Lurking in Your Unexplained Symptoms?

Problems Arise When Children are Pushed to Read Too Early

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