Monday, January 31, 2011

First Publication in a "Glossy" and the 3-fold Encouragement of Success

So apparently, the bigger named national magazines are called "glossies," I presume from their glossy, colorful paper. Receiving my copy of my first article published in a such a magazine was really cool! The Green Parent is a UK publication I'd never seen before, but it is a big glossy that looks like O or Natural Health.

I was surprised to find my article called a  "Main Feature." I didn't know it'd be that either.

I've noticed a neat feature to the game of rejections and acceptances you play when you're a freelance writer: yes, every rejection or silence from a publication I've submitted to is a bit of a downer (that becomes less significant over time), I've noticed the three-fold buoyancy of an acceptance. First, I got word that a piece was accepted for publication, which boosts my confidence. Then later, I get the magazine in the mail, and that really boosts my confidence. Then, thirdly, I get the check. That amounts to a 3:1 ratio of positive effects. It's a kindness, really, in a profession where rejections and silence are notoriously plentiful. It's great to have three separate expediences to feel good about a success; that ratio can help keep a writer from despair!

And the knowledge of, the sight of, and the payment for my first "glossy" publication has given me a lot of motivation to start sending stuff to more glossies, now that I've got a good clip of that caliber.

Articles I've published online:

How to Avoid Nutrient Depletion Caused by Your Prescription Drugs

Pregnancy Due Date: Why Do So Few Women Deliver That Day?

Governments Issue Warnings and Restrictions for Kids' Mobile Phone Use

Sleeping Tips to Give Your Child Restorative, Restful Sleep


  1. Renee, I am so proud of you! I have never been able to stick with freelancing, which I dabbled in 6 years ago for a bit. You are so dedicated to your craft & have had to navigate the ups & downs of freelancing for quite some time now. I am happy to see that your hard work is paying off! How rewarding! You need to scan a page of your article in so we can see what it looks like. How magnificent it must feel to hold that Glossy in your hands!

  2. It's nice to see how you are progressing as a writer, Renee. Your positive experience will also boost other writers' determination to keep slogging away. Success breeds success all the way around! Congratualtions! Can you give us a link?

  3. Sorry, vawriter, it's only in print, not online. But thank you so much for your encouragement, and the support and proofreading you've given me in the past!
